Appcelerator Changing Language Programmatically

18. June 2014 Blog 0
Appcelerator follows the Android standard convention for internationalization. Basically you setup a i18n folder and then create folders named with the ISO 639-1 code for the language and put a strings.xml file in each. So basically you end up with a folder structure like this: i18n ...en ......strings.xml ......strings.xml ...zh ......strings.xml Only problem with ...

Titanium Certified Developer and Expert

17. June 2014 Blog 0
Last week I spent a week in Nashville, TN going through some training in Appcelerator. Half way through the week I passed the Titanium Certified Developer test, then at the end of the week I passed the Titanium Certified Expert test. For those of you who don’t know Appcelerator is a Javascript framework that alloys ...